Anxiety/Stress Elimination

Treatment & Consultation Offered by Dr. Grabau

Anxiety is often a term that we throw around freely. We often misunderstand the common feelings and reactions of stress as anxiety.

Stress is often characterized as being a negative thing but is actually a useful evolutionary response to warn us when there is a potential danger. In other words, stress serves us well as a survival mechanism.

The difference between anxiety and stress is that stress can be more easily managed, and we can often find relief from our symptoms. With anxiety, it is crippling and typically the person experiencing anxiety can find little to no relief of their symptoms. Anxiety can hinder our ability to function, while a common response to stress is actually to kick your central nervous system into overdrive causing you to be as productive as possible.

However, when your stress reaches a point where you can not control your symptoms or your thoughts it might be a good time to reach out for additional support.

Symptoms of stress and anxiety may also manifest themselves physically in the following ways:

  • Upset Stomach
  • Sleep Disturbance
  • Headaches
  • Unexplained Aches/Pains
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Heart Palpitations

If you are having difficulty managing stress and anxiety, therapy might be a good fit for you!